Roger Goodell is apparently done as NFL commissioner after new contract expires

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After 11 years as NFL commi sioner, it looks like Roger Goodell has finally decided when his tenure is going Matt Wile Jersey to end.During an interview from the NFL owners meetings in Texas, NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart said that Goodell plans to step down after his in early 2024."The commi sioner has been clear that he views this as his last contract and will allow him to both deal with some of the important i sues that we know are on the horizon -- the CBA, our network partners -- and it'll also allow him to spend a significant amount of time not only at his level but among ," Lockhart said Wednesday, via Pro Football Talk.Although Lockhart seems Devin Bush Jersey convinced that Goodell will likely retire after his new contract expires, Goodell left the door slightly open for him to stay on board. "I haven't made any determinations," Goodell said of his future on Wednesday. "I'm looking forward to the challenges, I think our league is in a great position."Even if Goodell does stay on commi sioner after the 2023 season, he doesn't sound like he wants to stick around forever."I think there is a limit to how many years you should serve in this," Goodell said. "But that's a determination that's made, obviously, with the ownership and also by yourself and your family and that's something that Duncan Robinson Jersey we've done and I'm prepared and ready to go." Although Goodell's extension was a hot-button topic among owners, the new five-year extension still got done last week, despite protests from owner Jerry Jones. Goodell's original deal was set to expire after the 2018 season. Under the new extension, Goodell can and the end of the 2023 NFL season.As Lockhart mentioned, Goodell's new deal will keep him in charge of the league for two upcoming negotiations that will shape the future of the NFL. The first negotiation Goodell will have to deal with is the next collective bargaining agreement. The current CBA runs through the 2021 season and if things get as contentious as they did the last time around, the league could be looking at a players strike or another lockout.The other negotiation will come with the networks. The NFL currently Jaaron Simmons Jersey has deals in place with CBS, Fox, NBC and ESPN, and all will of the 2022 season (ESPN's of the 2021 season). Lockhart also cleared up one controversy involving Goodell: The commi sioner's new deal does NOT include free use of a private jet."The commi sioner, as he does now, has use of a plane, but as he does Tommy Henry Jersey now, he pays for private use," Lockhart said. "Going forward, if he wants to use, we use NetJets, and if he wants to use that, he will pay for that. There's been significant uninformed discu sion about that."Lockhart and Goodell are both in Texas for the NFL's winter owners meeting, which is being held Wednesday at the Four Seasons in Irving.
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